…Yes then, malicious man,
You find pleasure in my poverty
And you’re not one to hide it,
With your big mouth full you say
–“I have accumulated things,
I have money, houses, lands,
And you? what have you done?”
…The one you mock
My poor man,
Has struggled as much as you
But look: in a vest
That was not as wide as yours.
Like you he didn’t know how
To bring water to his mill…
But I must be silent
The poor have no other right
Than to be silent!
…Anyway, listen:
Your many goods?
I don’t want them at all
But you, you still don’t have enough,
You would even like to have my things,
And leave me naked on the ground
And you would still laugh with your big mouth
One day however, braggart,
One day it will be seen
That your ashes will not
Have much more value
Than mine…

October 1965.

Translated by Lenora Timm

This poem in breton

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